About Us

Paradise Schools is a nonprofit A Rated Charter organization that was established in 1998 offering a tuition free award winning public school opportunity. Paradise Schools has since grown to over 2800 students while consistently providing a continuous secure learning environment for parents to send their children Kindergarten through 12th grade.
Paradise Schools is comprised of the following schools:
• Paradise Honors Elementary School, Kindergarten through 5th grade
• Paradise Honors Middle School, 6th through 8th grade
• Paradise Honors High School, 9th through 12th grade
• Paradise Honors Middle School, 6th through 8th grade
• Paradise Honors High School, 9th through 12th grade
All three campuses are staffed by highly qualified teachers and staff that provide a continuous learning experience throughout the grade levels. The schools work together to ensure a seamless delivery of well-defined common beliefs regarding how students learn and what students learn in a safe and caring school setting. Students not learning at their expected level will be provided with comprehensive services and support to guide them on a successful experience path at Paradise Schools.
Paradise Schools is committed to providing a positive learning environment enriched by relevant technology. Simultaneously Paradise Schools creates academic and social excellence that allows solving real life problems in a cooperative manner. The curriculum is collaborative, robust and relevant to the real world, evidenced based, and is aligned with college and career expectations. It includes rigorous content and skills reflecting the knowledge that students need for success.
Student learning is demonstrated by the application of new knowledge and skills by exhibiting their understanding in clear measurable ways. Critical and creative thinking integrated curriculum, problem solving and leadership opportunities are embedded in the curriculum.
Paradise Schools provides a wide range of extracurricular opportunities at all three campuses. Athletics and Fine Arts programs are offered in state of the art facilities and fields. Numerous additional activities such as Honor Society, Student Council and other offerings relevant to student interests are also available on all three campuses.
The results of Paradise Schools safe caring learning environment have shown by the organization consistently receiving an “A” rating by the Arizona Department of Education. The Paradise Schools students achieving at or above peers at the local and state level has resulted in a phenomenal number of them receiving scholarship awards at the completion of their learning opportunity with Paradise Honors High School. The focus on well-balanced learning and extracurricular offerings for Paradise Schools students has given them an excellent opportunity for lifelong success.